Giovanni`s Fishing Adventure

Let`s go fishing for atlantic salmon!!!




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Giovanni is a passionate chef and very devoted to the profession, however he knows that it is important to take a rest every once in a while to relax and recharge the batteries and of course get inspired with new ideas for "La Cucina`s"menu. Giovanni is an avid fly fisherman and this hobby provides him with great relaxation from his busy working live. The Atlantic salmon has fascinated man for many centuries and Giovanni for the last 15 odd years. It is one of the most respected game fish along the Atlantic coast both in Europe and north America. Unfortunately heavy over fished, the stocks declined rapidly, until the Canadian government finally took steps to preserve the Atlantic salmon in the late 80 and introduced a moratorium for the commercial salmon fishery. Unfortunately the stocks have not enjoyed a comeback as many experts have hoped. There are still nations that fish Atlantic salmon and deplete the stocks by catching adult fish that should go back up the river and produce the next crop of young salmon. Tight line Many countries have taken steps to preserve the Atlantic salmon in their rivers, by restricting the method of angling to fly fishing only and legislating strict bag limits with a tag system and for some rivers a catch and a release program. With the help of the many sport fishers that do respect the rules and practice catch and release, many rivers have enjoyed an increase in numbers of returning fish and there is hope yet for the Atlantic salmon. Giovanni is a great supporter for the preservation of the Atlantic salmon. He is releasing most of his catch alive ensuring the fish are not hurt or unnecessarily played too long during the trilling fight on the end of the line. All the salmon for " La Cucina " come from a fish farm as it is virtually impossible to find wild Atlantic salmon in Canada and North America. This suit's Giovanni fine as it will ensure many more pleasure full trips to the favorite salmon rivers of eastern Canada and preserve this magnificent fish for future generation.

Here is Giovanni`s Cedar plank salmon recipe

Would you like to learn more about the atlantic salmon check out this page you won`t be disapointed

Talk to Giovanni

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