September 1999
Ohhh.. the wonderful basil with its unique breath taking aroma, one cannot imagine going without it for any length of time. La Cucina has always a bunch or two in the refrigerator ready to flavor a dish or garnish a salad. Basil`s Greek name basileus, meaning "King"indicates its royal position among herbs fanciers, and rightly so, for they offer an amazing variety of flavors and scents and they are a constant source of inspiration in the kitchen. There is many different varieties of basil and the possibility exists to experiment with them all in your recipes. The most widely used one is the sweet basil, because of availability. It can be easy grown in your own garden and should be planted with your tomato plants, if you intent to grow them as well. Basil will keep the bugs and mites away from your tomatoes and ensure a pesticide free crop.
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